March 17, 2001

�� � they�***� shone� ***� like ***� so *** many *** brave *** and ***� weary *** heroes.. *** forever..

The current mood of at

secret shine
2002-09-24, 10:45 p.m.

Since so few people actually bother with this journal anymore since I've pretty much set up camp here I can whine to my hearts content and not bore anyone terribly.

I think *shrudders* Britney said it best, "this lonliness is killing me". The past four years have given me ample time to sow oats, find myself, rejoice in all night movie fests with friends and ice cream, make lots of compilations, watch Father Ted on Fridays, ect. Now I'm ready, have been ready for over a year for love and there isn't even the tiniest prospect of having that with anyone..meanwhile I'm forced to watch as everyone else finds fabulous people to canoodle with. Nauseating because my best friend is turning into those girls we hate, you know the "Aww, I'm sure you'll find someone someday" condensending girls. It must be a sickness, as soon as you move from solo to duo you suddenly forget the other side. She's bringing her boyfriend to her next visit here and I'll be dragged along to the Halloween festivites with two couples, a girl who's so goodlooking who cares if she is single, and another girl who is a "born again virgin" after well...lets just say I'd have to have sex with a different person everynight for the next 5 years to catch up with her numbers. The couples will irritate me, the pretty girl will make me feel dull and ugly and the reformed girl..well everything I know about her bugs me anyhow...

Feck indeed.

My best friend is simply awful when she is in a relationship, a cinnabon girl if there ever was one..and Couple A. are the "Baby" sort, I wonder if they realise that "Baby" is not one another's given names at times.

Will I ever have "it"? I'm beginning to seriously fear not..after all it's already been four years.

� starlight ** sunlight �

� Copyright 1997-2002 Gwensarah MacFarlane.
Everytime you steal my stuff, a tree burns down somewhere...only you can prevent forest fires.

With an host of furious fancies.. whereof I am commander, with a burning spear and a horse of the wilderness I wander. By a knight of ghosts and shadows...
I summoned am to tourney... Ten leagues beyond the wild world's end, Methinks it is no journey....