March 17, 2001

�� � they�***� shone� ***� like ***� so *** many *** brave *** and ***� weary *** heroes.. *** forever..

The current mood of at

Greyness and sighs..
2002-03-01, 3:30 p.m.

"I read words you wrote in a diary years ago
That I loved because they were yours."- Trembling Blue Stars

White Rabbits..

There are mere fourteen more shopping days until National Gwensarah Day, I like stuff, and goodies, and musical offerings, books would be nice, maybe DFF's head on a plate..but wait til after April when he releases something I want..just send me something and show me some love, I promise to do the same on your day.

I'm waiting for the mail hoping hoping hoping that my order from Clairecords will be among the usual tedium of bills and whatnot.

I'm tired today, just not sure what it is I am tired of..
I was reading Sara talking about having to go into 'stupid grey London' and almost burst into tears knowing that I don't get to go now. I shouldn't care, after all DFF and I seem to be in a perpetual state of ignore. Not to mention my timing was going to be off for some of the others. I do care, desperately. I needed to go, for reasons various and sundry. I am going to be a bitch come April, I am almost certain of it.

Andy said via email last night "Part of me wants to be somewhere else, part of me wants to be someone else, part of me just wants to make it to bed tonight and start over tomorrow."

Me too laddie, me too.

Listening: "Before we know it"-Trembling Blue Stars

Reading: fanzines

Daily Glimpse: not stupid, and not's lovely.

Long distance love where stations become the best and worst of places. Tomorrow you'll return to where you held her days before, where she said what you now recall 'before we know it, Ill be going, before we know it you'll be walking away alone..'

� starlight ** sunlight �

� Copyright 1997-2002 Gwensarah MacFarlane.
Everytime you steal my stuff, a tree burns down somewhere...only you can prevent forest fires.

With an host of furious fancies.. whereof I am commander, with a burning spear and a horse of the wilderness I wander. By a knight of ghosts and shadows...
I summoned am to tourney... Ten leagues beyond the wild world's end, Methinks it is no journey....