March 17, 2001

�� � they�***� shone� ***� like ***� so *** many *** brave *** and ***� weary *** heroes.. *** forever..

The current mood of at

Not quite spectacular, spectacular..more like sleepy
2002-02-20, 1:23 p.m.

"Sleep, cover me with your blanket"

I am so tired. Perhaps a nap is in order, heh it's nice to be able to take naps ::evil laugh at all those at work::

So I managed to get some of the links worked out today, all done except for shout outs. I am slacking on that since my shout outs are numerous and loud.

I keep trying to play email tag with Andy but stoopid AOL-Piece-of-shite has decided that it wants to be a punkbitch and not send my mail out.

I could use yahoo or something, but I am tired remember?

OMG Neil Halstead (Mojave3 fame) is playing in Hollywood tomorrow night..::leaps up and down:: I wanna go, I wanna go!! Who wants to join me? Anyone? PLEEEEEASE?!!! I'll get the tickets, you have to provide the ride since Little Engine Who Could, well it can't. No insane killers need apply.

I am filled with ennui today, other than working on this I haven't done much..nor do I care to.

Sad, there are several job offers on my answerphone currently and I am too busy revelling in my "I can afford to be a slackass"-ness.

Gahhhh, phone will not stop ringing..but notice the irony here? If I was desperate there would be none.

Grrr, why can't any of them be from the folk's up in Portland I contacted? Hmmm?

Will I ever escape California?

So as I was saying yesterday, I was Gwennapped by Jayson who was supposed to take me *only* to Glendale..after dozing off I blurrily looked out my window..

"Errrm Jayson?"


::suspiciously:: "Since WHEN are Melrose and Sunset in GLENDALE?!!"

He tricked me!! He knows I never go into Hollywood unless there is some indie band I am dying to see..

No, not because I was a hooker in my former life and seeing it brings back oh so many memories. I just find it depressing, I always have. The depravity and desperation is almost tangible. I like my cushy, secure little Orange County where the most dangerous thing is that the Corn Man puts too much chile on my corn on the cob..I am affected by things so easily sometimes, and seeing middle aged prostitutes, crack heads, and young boys peddling themselves is not how I wish to spend my sunny leaves me out of sorts for hours.

Great chance at photography though, but since I didnt know I was going I was sans camera..

Bleeeah indeed.

Listening: "The way to Market Station"-Aislers Set

Reading: Toothbrush

Daily Glimpse: How cranky am I..

� starlight ** sunlight �

� Copyright 1997-2002 Gwensarah MacFarlane.
Everytime you steal my stuff, a tree burns down somewhere...only you can prevent forest fires.

With an host of furious fancies.. whereof I am commander, with a burning spear and a horse of the wilderness I wander. By a knight of ghosts and shadows...
I summoned am to tourney... Ten leagues beyond the wild world's end, Methinks it is no journey....